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Sustainability Report 2018

Download Sustainability Report 2018

reporte de sostenibilidad 2017
Reposte de Sostenibilidad 2018
" We are, as a private company, an agent that joins and contributes to high impact progress." (Abraham Chahuan - CEO)

Important Issues:
-Social Management
-Enviromental Management

Letter from the President & CEO

Dear friends:

With great satisfaction we present the 2018 Sustainability Report, which renews our commitment to the excellent performance of Antamina’s operations, as well as to the transparency in our economic, social and environmental performance.

I am proud to lead one of the most reputable companies in social responsibility and one of the ten great companies to work for in Peru, according to the independent surveys performed by reputable rankings. I can attest to the daily effort of all our collaborators, strategic partners and suppliers. The objective was and is one: to make Antamina a world-class Peruvian copper producer, goal that we have achieved and that we aim to sustain.

For that reason, we continue working to generate value for all our stakeholders and to fulfill our responsibilities with the Peruvian State, with which we have contributed more than US$ 800 million in taxes and tributes only in 2018.

Our performance is based on the highest international standards, which include certifications such as ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 9000, among others. Likewise, ethical and compliance management is part of these standards and has involved training of our staff and active management of our ethical line, to solve possible violations to our Code of Conduct.

In the same direction, we are also adjusting our standards to the ICMM principles the most prestigious global union in the field of sustainable mining. In this way we always seek to develop our operations in accordance with ISO and OHSAS standards the Global Reporting Initiative standard, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

As in previous reports, in this document we also give account of our specific commitment to the region that welcomes us. During 2018, more than 40% of our employees came from Ancash. We also make local purchases for about US$ 40 million.

Our commitment to Ancash also incorporates joint work with the communities in our area of influence and with their authorities, under a multi-stakeholder model that equates everyone’s role in the search for a common vision of development. We are, as a private company, an agent that joins and contributes to high impact progress. A tangible expression of this participation is that Antamina is the second investor in the work for taxes mechanism nationwide, with 41 social infrastructure projects.

Our environmental responsibility is another aspect in which we obtained good results in 2018. We registered 100% environmental compliance, we reused 99% of the water from our operations and we have been reducing greenhouse gas emissions for the third consecutive year. This performance is socialized with the communities through our participatory environmental monitoring program, which also includes the State audit entities and the main university in the region. That is why this Antamina policy has been recognized as a good practice by the UNDP and the NGO Ciudadanos al Día.

For all the reasons mentioned, I invite you to review our report, which details these and other achievements of our comprehensive performance, as well as the challenges of our industry, which we assume with the greatest commitment.

From Antamina, and together with all the great team that accompanies me, we will continue to do responsible mining with the highest international standards, from Ancash to the world.

Abraham Chahuan
President and CEO
Compañía Minera Antamina S.A.